
Taiwan's doggie

Taiwan的Dog Super幸福 , 比人還幸福, 春天有帽子戴 , 夏天有冷氣吹, 冬天有寒衣穿,連大便都有人幫它抹~吃的狗餅還比人營養~ 看看Malaysia 的 Anjing...窮到~~吃人類不要吃的垃圾~~睡在人類sampah~~喝隆港的water~~Taiwan的狗叫Dog...聽起來有文化 ...Malaysia的狗叫 Anjing~聽起來就是SAMPAH~ Taiwan的Dog是人看到它...人們向前模它會搖尾巴~Malaysia的Anjing人們看到都不屌它, 因為Malaysia 的Anjing 都沒有文化~~ 爽爽就追你~追到你想回頭打它~爽爽就吠你~吠到你想拿石頭丟它~~~Malaysia 的Anjing NO文化~NO文化 NO文化~yor yor


冬至的英文是甚麼Winter Solstice...十二月十二日吃湯圓,甜的我吃多了,鹹的還是第一次,哈哈湯圓湯圓湯圓..排了隊就有湯圓~~

Little Pig

husband and wife

hello ...don't run

B for Bak Gut Teah


haha this trip is SI PEK GAN JIONG, ride motor about 3 hours,through 國立暨南大學, 亞洲大學,eat sweet potato and drank coffe at 7-11, ride at the dark mountain, no more light at there just our motor light illuminate the front, feel like many ghost follow at our behind,lost the way when we came back, Cool till dead coz the thin jacket ,very happy found the Sun Moon Lake when 4:50pm...have the good view and sweet memory .

wake up at 12pm, then eat our dinner....

L: where we wanna to go after dinner
B: saya pun tak tao la, you plan la~~
L: .......you think la , I lazy think
B: haha let's go Moon Lake
L: ha...?? really? what time already o~~
B: ok la...Kia~ la....
L: you know how to go ?
B: who am i O~~~
L: yaya.... u Chong Kok ~
B: haha good,kia~~ go to check google map where the position.................................

after15 min in library

B: are you ready to go .?
L: haha yup....


let's go Sun Moon Lake

sweet potato


Sun Moon Lake