
Taiwan's doggie

Taiwan的Dog Super幸福 , 比人還幸福, 春天有帽子戴 , 夏天有冷氣吹, 冬天有寒衣穿,連大便都有人幫它抹~吃的狗餅還比人營養~ 看看Malaysia 的 Anjing...窮到~~吃人類不要吃的垃圾~~睡在人類sampah~~喝隆港的water~~Taiwan的狗叫Dog...聽起來有文化 ...Malaysia的狗叫 Anjing~聽起來就是SAMPAH~ Taiwan的Dog是人看到它...人們向前模它會搖尾巴~Malaysia的Anjing人們看到都不屌它, 因為Malaysia 的Anjing 都沒有文化~~ 爽爽就追你~追到你想回頭打它~爽爽就吠你~吠到你想拿石頭丟它~~~Malaysia 的Anjing NO文化~NO文化 NO文化~yor yor


冬至的英文是甚麼Winter Solstice...十二月十二日吃湯圓,甜的我吃多了,鹹的還是第一次,哈哈湯圓湯圓湯圓..排了隊就有湯圓~~

Little Pig

husband and wife

hello ...don't run

B for Bak Gut Teah


haha this trip is SI PEK GAN JIONG, ride motor about 3 hours,through 國立暨南大學, 亞洲大學,eat sweet potato and drank coffe at 7-11, ride at the dark mountain, no more light at there just our motor light illuminate the front, feel like many ghost follow at our behind,lost the way when we came back, Cool till dead coz the thin jacket ,very happy found the Sun Moon Lake when 4:50pm...have the good view and sweet memory .

wake up at 12pm, then eat our dinner....

L: where we wanna to go after dinner
B: saya pun tak tao la, you plan la~~
L: .......you think la , I lazy think
B: haha let's go Moon Lake
L: ha...?? really? what time already o~~
B: ok la...Kia~ la....
L: you know how to go ?
B: who am i O~~~
L: yaya.... u Chong Kok ~
B: haha good,kia~~ go to check google map where the position.................................

after15 min in library

B: are you ready to go .?
L: haha yup....


let's go Sun Moon Lake

sweet potato


Sun Moon Lake









The world will end at soon soon ! wanna believe or don't want believe lei..?
treasure anything what you can do now....don't be regret after..
don't wait last minute just going to action...that time will is too late!!wana make love then make now... no more chance can do this exercise at the hell or heaven...gogogo BUAT APA LU YANG SUKA SEKARANG
u know 2012 also is Lodon Olympic...then wan end the world or continue the Olympic? Haizz...me a...so many thing haven't done at my life la ...now u told me wana finish my Eath..go a hell la u !don't play play with me a!
but everyone no need too worry about it , because I will call GUAN NI MA to save us!
GUAN NI MA will come down that time ...so u all call me la if u still wanna alive..
ok??? see u 2012!

Patrick ''Star'' Bucks Coffee

one week one holiday, KIA~~ enjoy! :)


see!! who is hiding behind the ticket??


Michael Jackson bye bye~~R.I.P! don't worry MC Boo is ur best choice, he is a good substitute for u.......

3 months ago

3 months ago...finally I come back agian !! hello ...every好久不見的大家!! 下午好!! good afternoom~~剛剛看了大家的部落格...才發現我落後了很多~~好像自己還活在三個月前~~

三個月前的冬天...!! 眼睛打鳥一下~~乾! 現在夏天了!! 是 SI PEK HOT !!! HOT 到~底褲都不想穿~~大鳥鳥都投訴讓她出來透透氣見見光! 最fuck的是我現在在這個比馬來西亞還小的蕃薯地...竟然找不到lim pek 的工作~~ 這次可以打包回家吃草了! 媽~~你把家的草都種好了嗎??

這塊番薯雖然比馬來西亞小...可是志氣比馬來大一百倍~阿都拉跌下台納吉爬上台, 永遠都是星星跟月亮霸著台!觀尼媽跟娜喳永遠在後台! CIA SAI LA...HON GAN LA~~可是說真的好久沒看到星星跟月亮的base~~設計還跟大粒包一樣嗎??還是跟饅頭一樣四方了??每天5,6 點還是就唱卡拉ok嗎??頭還是包的跟忍者龜一樣嗎~包皮還是天天割嗎??肉骨茶還是一樣不吃嗎??

講了那麼多..還是沒人打電話叫我去工作!! SI PEK TU LAN~~你那不~~不寫了!!


super 3 point.....................................


haha funny~~~ JIA LIN ROAD! She so heavyweight!! wakakaka.. = =

Proton Boleh!!

Finally I saw our Proton car living abroad...haha Malaysia's Proton evolution an overseas market!! Good!


Yes Man
Rate: ( U )
Language: English
Run Time: 110mins
Director: Peyton Reed
Jim Carrey, Bradley Cooper, Zooey Deschanel, Sasha Alexander, Karen Bankhead

haizz...too slow la taiwan...malaysian all already watched it la...now taiwan only coming soon..
come on...YES MAN...!

Taiwan Open

professional AV studio

At Malaysia you wanna buy the AV video is so hard...coz Malaysia is an Islam country! all close there covered there..u wanna sold the DVD or CD also like sneaker..haizz...why??!!
u see Taiwan...walao every street ...every road all have sold AV DVD..no need like sneaker ..come on Malaysia be smart la! change Islam principle la...can add more economic!


finally I get it....hehe

Yes !!! Yes!!Ohh~~~Yes!!!!!! finally I get my New Laptop! hp brand!!


Holiday is coming ..taiwan president Mr. Ma came our school to speech.. actually Mr.Ma is most handsome than Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi....anyway Abdullah die also not my business...haha..Abdullah is"Adb" member?? I'm lucky that day..haha I get NTD1000 at the lucky draw~~~I believe my lucky life was started from that time....!

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

US new president Barack Obama!!!!!
I support u!!!! Obama you can do it!! save our world!!!


please don't CRY .................................... your eyes already DRY

what is the different CRY and DRY ??
one is C and is D lor...easy...hahhaha
one C and one D can change the mean...is big different CRY and DRY...
please remember it!!!!!!


oh...Yeah....first time I went to travel since I came taiwan..and first time public holiday at there..walao have 4days hoiliday sure go KAI KAI la....sohai just stay at hostel!!! hahaha no la..j.k..no sohai la..hehhe.. but sohai i think is me....coz spend too many money at there....hahah
but is nice trip also ....rode motor at there..wa....is betahan!!!! coz too cold!! I wan become ICE MAN at that time! 2 hours trip la...!! let me remind when my S3 graduation travel at langkawi.....
.........the 6 super rider......but now only 5 rider still alive..one more already meeting with god..
LIM~~wish u all the best at there!

31.12.08 > x > 1.1.09

Ganic: Day after day ....the year 08 already become history in my brain...
Boo: Hahah diu la u ....everytime also become history la..evey second every min every hours every day .....
Ganic: Haha chicken u...yalo..y just now i dun think like that...when i write this blog also slow slow become the history ...yerrr.....y like that one??
Boo: I dunno also...Emmm......maybe coz this is the time is runnnig too fast lor....
Ganic: oo~~~~i see ....maybe lor.....hahaha...Boo so clever la
Boo: hahaha only u stupid!!!!
Ganic: wa~~ what u said??!!!!
Boo: S~~T~~~U~~P~~~I~~D
Ganic: chicken u!!! "GANIC BOO" *#$@%&*^!)*(^%$#@%%^^!!!!!!!!!